
The H&D Gender Perspectives Foundation is a licensed social service provider under the SSA and the Personal Data Protection Act.

Some of the main objectives of the H&D Gender Perspectives Foundation are :

  • Gender research in all areas of public life in the Republic of Bulgaria;
  • Support the development of a balanced civil society in the country and equal opportunities and equal representation of men and women and different ethnic groups in the public and private sectors;
  • Promoting equality and equal opportunities for all citizens in society by assisting the socially disadvantaged and other victims of discrimination and violence in need of protection and supporting their integration and personal fulfilment;
  • Disseminating objective information on gender issues;
  • Advocacy for the promotion of universal and European standards of human rights and universally recognized values of democracy and humanism through individual human rights protection and initiatives for the compliance of Bulgarian legislation with these standards, as well as all purposes permitted by law and not prohibited by law or other regulations in the Republic of Bulgaria.

The social services provided as a Complex of specialized social services in the towns of Haskovo, Dimitrovgrad and Svilengrad are:

Informing and counselling people who are victims of domestic violence, or victims of trafficking in human beings, perpetrators of violence and other groups at risk about existing options for overcoming the problems they face

The aim is to provide a safe space where the victim can share their experiences, minimising the impact of the violence they have experienced.

The service allows for the empowerment of victims, as well as the cessation and containment of violence in all its forms. The service helps victims to exit a violent situation and supports them in decision-making, parenting and learning new skills.

Advocacy and mediation 

As part of the service, an officer accompanies the victim to the institution/organisation to which he/she is referred, assists him/her in communicating with various institutions.

Support and care activities for service users are dependent on their specific needs and oriented to their best interests and may include:

  • Legal consulting

It includes explaining the procedures for filing a case under the Protection Against Domestic Violence Act and assisting the client in preparing and filing the necessary paperwork. Shelter clients are issued with a certificate/transcript of a consumer registry as part of the evidence in the case. Clients will be able to receive adequate guidance and counseling on the CPL as the case progresses. Legal counselling will be conducted as and when required by a lawyer experienced in civil law and with practice in the areas of Protection from Domestic Violence Act, Child Protection Act, Anti-Human Trafficking Act. 

  • Social work

It is mainly expressed in social mediation and advocacy: accompaniment to institutions, assistance in finding a job, change of permanent address, choice/change of personal doctor, assistance in improving contact and communication with relatives/family members who are a resource for support, assistance in enrolling children in kindergarten or school, etc. Social counselling and referral to services, services, institutions relevant to the needs of the client, provision of humanitarian assistance, assistance in obtaining personal documents, in searching for and finding a job, etc. Another aspect of social work is assistance in obtaining medical services and accompaniment to health facilities. Social work is carried out on the basis of the identified needs and the individual service plan.

  • Labour mediation

The job mediation program is a very important element of the complex of social services necessary for the successful integration and realization of the victims in the labour market and in other spheres of social life.

"Therapy and rehabilitation" of people victims of domestic violence, or victims of human trafficking, perpetrators of violence and other groups at risk of existing opportunities to overcome the problems encountered. It is a set of different activities to develop, restore, maintain or improve social skills, communication, resolution of emotional conflicts, behaviour management, reduction of anxiety, improvement of self-esteem, work opportunities, etc., as well as socialisation activities for persons at high risk of social exclusion.

Therapeutic activities are carried out by professionals who assist and support users through individual and/or group meetings/sessions. These include programmes for victims of violence and trafficking and for children and perpetrators of violence, etc;

Individuals use the programmes (individual or group) hourly - every day or several times a week/month depending on their individual needs.

The number of persons in the groups is in accordance with gender, age, needs and the possibilities of the available facilities.

The hourly use of the service determines the acceptance of users above the specified capacity, provided that the working hours of the specialists are respected and the schedule of their activities allows it.




Services are provided on a short-term basis - for up to 6 months - and are aimed at providing individual support, meeting the daily needs and legal counselling of users or social-psychological assistance when immediate intervention is required.

Placement in the service provision of shelter for adults is only for women in crisis or with a need to overcome the consequences of such a situation and their children.