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Telegram channel for pregnant women and mothers with their child under 1 year. Social, informational and psychological care.

They have created a channel for resource support for pregnant women. 

It works every day and is handled by Doula, Supervisor, facilitator. She answers the questions through the chat, but doesn’t give the direct pieces of advice. She only shares the practice, experience and different approaches.
Once a month there is online live meeting with a doctor (different fields from private medical centers).
For mother wirh babies there is also support of mentor mothers. It can be offered individually till the child is 1 year old.

Also, there are  the practical lessons -  yoga prenatal and postnatal online classes for activists.

The service is available online for every Ukrainian woman wherever through the world

To join you need to fill the form

Also, you can contact the coordinator Ella Goncharova on Telegram @Elnat_770 with  Письмо для посылок.docx (letter for inscription)

Better to write because of security reasons.

Plus, to join the channel, follow the link, please,


English language studying.- general English speaking club (4 levels of groups) and Business English

There are 5 groups, they have lessons twice a week.
Also, additionally, they have volunteer meetings with their mentors from the USA!

Through Business group the specialist from Corporate Business join them 1-2 a ,opth for practical tips in English.
The first term has graduated and got their Certificates.
Now, they are taking the second term groups 

The service is available online for every Ukrainian woman wherever through the world

To join you can join the telegram chat

 And you need to pass the level for General English or Business English

You can read more on instagram




Online yoga classes for women aged 40+ 

Registration for classes is on unil the 10 April.