Information was updated on 21. 08. 2024
Personal Identification Code (PIC) is a special code, which you can use to access differentt online services. In this article we will explain how you can receive a PIC from the:
- National Revenue Agency (NRA)
- National Social Security Institute (NSSI)
These are two different types of PIC and give you access to different types of online services.
PIC from the National Revenue Agency (NRA)
With an NRA PIC you can:
- Submit online your pre-filled annual tax declaration. See more here:
- Pay and check your social security contributions and taxes online;
- Check the status of your labour contract;
- Check the status of your health insurance;
- Request other available services on the NRA Portal.
- Apply for social benefits via EGOV.BG;
- Log into the Secure Electronic Delivery System; and others
- The full list of services can be downloaded from this link; and other
A full list of services can be downloaded from this link.
Where can I get a PIC from NRA and how to apply?
You can be issued a PIC at all National Revenue Agency’s territorial offices (NRA) upon application.
A sample application can be found at this link.
You can apply for a PIC:
1. By email: [email protected];
2. By phone: 0700 18 700
3. On site at an NRA office
In the application for the issuance of a PIC, you must specify:
- your full name as it is written in your ID;
- ENG/LNCH – you can find this number on your ID issued by the Bulgarian authorities;
- your permanent address;
- phone number;
- an up-to-date email to receive confirmation of activation;
- the NRA office from which you prefer to receive your PIC.
To get your PIC, you have the legal obligation to go in person to an NRA office. In case you cannot go in person, you can explicitly designate another person in your application to pick it up and attach a notarized authorization.
Important for PIC activation! Initial access to the services provided with PIC is possible after entering and confirming an active email address. After you enter your EGN/personal foreigner’s number and PIC for the first time to log in to the e-services portal, a message about activation of e-services is displayed on your screen. The automated message that you will receive at the e-mail address specified in your application contains a link to activate your personal code. Once you confirm the activation, you will be granted access to the NRA e-services with the PIC.
The source of the information is the NRA website.
PIC of the National Social Security Institute (NSSI)
The PIC from the NHI gives you access to the services of the electronic portal of the National Social Security Institute, where you can check:
- your insurance status and make enquiries about the data submitted for you on days of insurance and insurance income from your employers as of 1997
- If you are on leave due to temporary incapacity for work, pregnancy and childbirth, to bring up a child up to the age of 2 or to adopt a child up to the age of 5, you can check whether the data from the sick notes issued and the documents submitted for the payment of cash benefits from the NSSI have been received.
- If you are about to go on maternity leave, you can calculate an estimate of your cash benefit for pregnancy and childbirth.
- Unemployed persons can make enquiries about registered claims for unemployment benefits and about benefits already paid.
- If you are due to retire, you can check your accumulated pensionable service and pensionable earnings and calculate your estimated pension.
- Pensioners can also find out about the orders issued to them.
- By providing access to the administrative services of the NSSI, the PIC makes it possible to submit the relevant applications without having to visit the Institute's offices.
The access to the e-services of the NSSI is provided by entering the PIC and your EGN or personal foreigner’s number. For persons who do not have these, a service number issued by the NSSI or the National Revenue Agency (NRA) can be issued.
Where and how can I get a PIC from the NSSI?
There are several ways in which you can obtain a PIC from the NSSI:
- In person, at any territorial branch of the NSSI by showing your ID card and without the need to fill in an application in advance.
- Online via the Secure Electronic Delivery System
In this case, your PIN is issued instantly. It is activated the same day it is issued.
In this case you will need a qualified electronic signature - QES.
After logging in you need to go to "Send message"
Then you have to choose the territorial branch of the NSSI at your permanent address as it is indicated in your Bulgarian identity document.
In the writing field you enter the following text in Bulgarian:
Господин/жо Директор,
Моля да ми бъде издадено удостоверение за персонален идентификационен код (ПИК), за достъп до електронните услуги, предлагани чрез Интернет–страницата на НОИ.
And click "SUBMIT".
You will receive the PIC through the System, and you will receive an email that the message has arrived in the System.
The issuance of the PIC by the NSSI is free of charge.
The source of the information is the NSSI website.
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