
Updated 20.12.2024

Persons with refugee or humanitarian status, asylum seekers and Ukrainian citizens with temporary protection in Bulgaria have equal rights to healthcare with Bulgarian citizens and are subject to compulsory health insurance.

Ukrainian refugees who are registered for temporary protection who entered the territory of Bulgaria before 26.04.2022 are considered as health insured as of 26.04.2022.

If you have refugee or humanitarian status

Once you have been granted refugee or humanitarian status, you are obliged and personally responsible to pay your monthly health insurance contributions if you are unemployed or self-employed. If you are employed, then your employer will deduct the health insurance contributions from your monthly salary.

If you are an asylum seeker with ongoing proceedings

As an  asylum seeker, your health insurance is covered by the State Agency for Refugees (SAR) while your procedure for international protection is pending and you have not received a final decision.

If you are a Ukrainian refugee with temporary protection over the age of 18 or under 63 for women and under 65 for men

Your health insurance is covered by the state for 90 days from the date of registering for temporary protection, or from 26 April 2022 if the temporary protection was granted before that date.

After those 90 days, you must pay for your own health insurance. If you are employed, your employer will deduct the health insurance contributions from your salary.

If you are a Ukrainian refugee with temporary protection under the age of 18 or over 63 for women and over 65 for men

Your health insurance contributions will be paid by the State for the entire period of your temporary protection.

Other persons whose health insurance is paid by the state

There are other groups of people whose health insurance is paid by the state. These are:

  • Unemployed persons who receive unemployment compensation;
  • Persons with disabilities who have been injured in natural disasters and accidents;
  • Persons who are under the age of 18, and older than 18, if they are studying full-time, until the completion of high school, but no later than the age of 22;
  • students enrolled in work-based learning (dual system of education) for the duration of their studies in accordance with the relevant curriculum.
  • University students who are in full-time education up until the age of 26 and doctoral students in full-time education under a state funded program.
  • People who receive monthly social benefits and heating allowances if they are not insured on other grounds.
  • Beneficiaries of state-funded social or integrated health and social services for residential care and shelter.
  • Parents, adoptive parents, spouses, grandparents who care for a person with a 50% or more disability and who need someone else's help.

Procedure for establishing disability

  • Persons who have retired in Bulgaria, regardless of the type of pension they receive (retirement pension, disability pension, inheritance pension, etc.). In this case, you will need to pay health insurance contributions only if you are both retired and continue to work. 

Social pensions in Bulgaria

Disability pensions

Amount of health insurance

The amount of compulsory health insurance contributions for persons who are not registered as self-insured people and who are not insured under an employment or civil contract is 43,08 BGN per month.

If you are working, then your health insurance is charged as a percentage of the income you earn – 8% for 2025.

How can I pay for my health insurance?

Before you start paying your health insurance contributions, you must submit a Form 7 declaration to the territorial branch of the National Revenue Agency in accordance with the address where you are registered. You can find the addresses of these offices at this link. You can also file this declaration online through the NRA website with a Personal Identification Code (PIC).

You can then pay your health insurance on the spot at the territorial branches of the NRA with debit and credit cards at POS terminals, by bank transfer, by postal order or online through the NRA portal.

To pay your health insurance online, you need a Personal Identification Code (PIC). You can find out how to get one in this article:


Deadline to pay your health insuarance contributions

These contributions are due by the 25th day of the month following the month for which you owe health insurance contributions. If you pay later than this date, you will need to pay an interest for each day of delay. For example, the health insuarance contribution for January 2025 must be paid by 25 February 2025 at the latest.

What if I don't pay health insurance?

Your health insurance rights are interrupted if more than 3 monthly contributions are not paid. This means that if you need to go to the doctor you will have to pay a much higher fee for a check-up. Interrupted health insurance rights can be restored provided you pay all your outstanding health insurance contributions. Entitlements are restored from the date all outstanding health insurance contributions for that period are paid.

You can check your health insurance status, as well as check the periods for which you have not paid  health insurance contributions, through the NRA's electronic service, which has free access: https://portal.nra.bg/health-status

Where your employer or another person is liable for your contributions, failure to pay will not disqualify you from health insurance system.